(Related newspaper article and Mr Jones, both pictured above, receiving our ‘Family Information Friendly’ award. Click here to read more about our achievement!)
Our family room is led by Miss T Williams

Our family room offers many different sessions, these include:
Baby Massage
Babbling Babies
Playgroup Sessions (Tuesdays- please get in touch if you would like to join our waiting list)
Baby sensory
Baby yoga
Families Connect
Family new starter sessions
Family learning through play
Family Relationship Based Play
Family links Parent Nurturing programme
Talking teens
Parent Puzzle
Playful parenting
Bespoke Family 1-2-1 Sessions (planned to each individual families needs)
Our family room is closely linked with Flying Start, Children and Families Team, Health Visitors, Team Around the Family, Speech and Language and NPT Social Services.
For more information, please contact Miss Williams on the school phone number 01792 813504 or via email – williamst906@hwbcymru.net
Family and Adult Learning
We’re looking to extend the family and adult learning that we currently have on offer in the school. Take a look at the menu below from NPT Adult Learning in the Community. If there’s anything that you’d like the school to host, please let us know by ringing us and speaking to Tammi on 01792 813504 or by emailing Tammi on WilliamsT906@hwbcymru.net.