
St David’s Day

On Monday 4th March children are invited to wear their Welsh costumes/Welsh rugby tops to school to mark St. David’s day, children having school dinners on this day will also have Welsh cakes for their dessert! However, we will be arranging our St David’s day Welsh activities on the week beginning 11th March (there is […]

INSET DAY 9th November 2020

We will have an INSET day at Coedffranc on Monday 9th November 2020. No pupils will attend on this day.

Year 6 after school club @ Dwr-y-Felin

Year 6 pupils have been invited to attend an afterschool club at Dwr-Y-Felin, to have a look around the school and meet Mr England who will be their Head of Year. 3.30-4.15pm. Parents are to take their children to Dwr-y-Felin and collect. Please complete and return the consent form.

Flu vaccination sessions

Reception - Y 6 flu spray sessions 1st & 2nd Dec 2020. Consent forms are being sent home please return these ASAP (by 20th Nov at latest please) to indicate if you would like your child to receive this vaccination. It will be carried out by the school nursing team.