Author: Mr. Richards

School Newsletter – Monday 3rd February 2025

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find the school newsletter below sharing information about Children’s Mental Health Week, Race Equality Wales visiting for Year 5 and 6 and the Attendance Task Force set up by the Local Authority. If you would like the audio version of the newsletter, please click here.

To access the resources for Children’s Mental Health week, please click here.

Attendance Letter from the Local Authority

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find a letter below that the Local Authority have asked us to send to all parents and carers regarding pupils’ attendance at school. If you would like the audio version, please click here.

If you need any help, support or information regarding attendance, please let us know at the school or take a look at the ‘attendance help’ section of our school website.

School Newsletter – Monday 9th December 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find the newsletter below with information about our new approach to teaching reading and writing after pupils have finished Read, Write Inc. There’s a big thank you to our PTA for their fundraising through the fantastic Festive Fun night. Also, don’t forget that we’ve got an INSET day on Monday 6th of January 2025. School re-opens for pupils on Tuesday 7th of January 2025.

For the audio version of the newsletter, please click here.

You can take a look at the impact report for Literacy and Language by clicking here.

We’ve also got this newsletter from the CAMHS School In-Reach team. It’s well worth taking a look at to find our more about their work and to get some hints and tips for our well being and our children’s.

School Newsletter – Monday 11th November 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please see the newsletter below. In it, it talks about National Safeguarding Week (click here for the link to the information), parents evenings and how we develop the pupils’ integral skills in school.

The link to the Integral Skill area of our website can be found by clicking here.

The audio version of the newsletter can be found by clicking here.

Year 4 Parents/Carers Llangrannog Info

Dear Parents and Carers,

Please find a copy of the presentation regarding Llangrannog below. The packs for consent forms will be given out to your children either at the end of this week or the start of next week.

If you need to discuss anything about the trip (activities, dietary, payments etc), please get in touch with the school office. We really want your child on this trip!

Here’s the link to the virtual visit to Llangrannog.