Please click the link here to go to the Neath Port Talbot help pages for information to support attendance.
We want your child to be in school as often as possible. We want to work with you to overcome any barriers to school attendance that may be present. For an informal chat about attendance and how we can help, please contact Tammi Williams our Family Engagement Officer.
We do have to let parents and carers know that penalty notices may be used by the local authority in some cases related to attendance. More information and a code of conduct for penalty notices can be found by clicking here.
Holidays during term time
Holidays in term time must and not automatically authorised by the school, but they are not automatically denied either. Permission to take your child out of school during term time must be requested in advance of your trip away with at least a week’s notice. We will review each request made and consider them each time a request is made.
To download a holiday request form, please click here and then return the form to the school office before the holiday takes place. Holidays will not be authorised if they are not requested in advance.
The headteacher will consider the age of the child, the time of year of the proposed trip and the length and purpose of the proposed holiday. The benefits and impact both positively and negatively will be considered along with the family circumstances. Attendance patterns and progress being made by the pupil will also be considered along with the guidance provided by the Local Authority and Welsh Government. We would strongly encourage all holidays to take place outside of school time.
What is good attendance?

Put simply, the more your child is school the more they learn, the stronger their relationships with friends and teachers will be and the more chance they have of reaching their potential.